The Division


The Division


The divisions of consciousness in our world today are obvious. They are becoming increasingly intractable. Without unity in our world, we endanger ourselves. While greed, corruption and exploitation are so rampant in our world, we are destroying our heritage. The main concepts underpinning The Division are that our Earth is a living being. She feels pain and is affected by what Humanity does to her. There is a Spiritual reality world over-lighting the Earth and trying to support the evolution of consciousness on the planet. This layered book moves between Spiritual experiences and Earth incarnations. Humanity continues to ignore lessons that they need to learn to progress, and the whole situation upon the Earth increasingly reaches towards crisis and potential cataclysm. The main characters in the book are desperate to avert catastrophe, and their efforts are interwoven with huge scale events that are overwhelming. This story is passionate and very intense. It will certainly provoke you to consider your place on Earth at this time.

This book is also available as an ebook on Amazon.

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Paul has composed this new book as a response to the turmoil and struggle that exists with humanity in our world today. The story of this book is set slightly in the future, with many of the extreme inner conflicts that we experience in our world today, operating even more intensely than we feel them now. For people who care, there are desperate efforts being made, to search for a solution. This book follows the tracks of Paul’s previous book, Earth Warrior, in exploring an uneasy relationship existing between Humanity, The Spiritual world and the Spirit of the Earth. The two main characters of the book are caught in the middle of vast overwhelming currents of upheaval and change going on around them. They must make sense of it, and to stake their own claims upon what is most important for them.

The situation is like this. Our world is in peril. There are two main streams of human consciousness on Earth. One stream deeply cares and acknowledges the sacredness of all life. The other stream does not. Loving Spiritual forces want humanity to evolve towards peaceful co-operation. Many people though, are opposed to that. In this thrilling story, the division of consciousness in Humanity is impacting severely upon the future of our planet. A critical impasse is approaching and so much is at stake. Choices need to be made, and Humanity could face a split that is irreconcilable. So much could be lost. As the intensity of this story undulates between hope and despair, themes emerge that resonate closely with the dilemmas that confront us in our world today. The Division is a sequel to Earth Warrior, but it stands alone as a powerful and provocative work. Paul Williamson has created a compelling book that will urge you to think deeply about how  we are living on this Earth, and what future that we are creating together.

Additional information

Weight 650 g
Dimensions 3 × 16 × 24 cm


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